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Best Practices For Preparing The Exterior Of Your Home For A Repainting


For most people, the home is an extension of the self. It is the place that you feel comfortable, the place you go back to every day, and a space that is important to you. As such, there's no reason that the exterior of your home should look any worse than the absolute worse, but painting it yourself isn't always the easiest task.

If you're insistent on trying, though, it is important you follow the best practices for the task, and our team is here to help.

You Can't Polish Something That Isn't Clean

The first step of painting your home is making sure the exterior surface is as clean as possible. Generally speaking, that's going to mean hitting the exterior façade with a pressure washer, which is capable of removing the heavy layer of dirt and dust that'll be baked on. If you'd like your final coat to be even, this is an incredibly important step that should not be underappreciated.

Seal Any Leaks

Before you start throwing paint or primer at your home, you'll need to make sure it's not going to end up anywhere it doesn't belong. Window frames, molding, fascia board, and door frames can all come loose from the structure of your home over time, and if you try to paint over them, the best-case scenario is that the paint coat is going to look a little mishappen.

Worst-case scenario, however, paint leaks through and ends up where it doesn't belong, possibly causing a mess inside of your home. It's best to avoid this mishap waiting to happen by simply choosing to use a caulk gun to seal any gaps that may have appeared, and you can even use this occasion as an opportunity to replace any wood trims or fascia boards that are started to rot.

Prime For Success

Finally, in the last step before you start thinking about what paint to use, you'll need to prime the external surface of your home with a high-quality sealer. Different sealers have different drying times, so it's best that you check the product you purchase to make sure you allow the sealer to actually seal appropriately.

Don't Go It Alone, Talk To The Professionals

Painting your home isn't as simple as heading to the hardware store, buying a tin of paint and a paintbrush, and rolling up your sleeves. When you need help with this daunting task, you can rely on the best painting company available, Premier Painting. Our team has years of experience providing residential painting, and we're more than capable of helping you make sure your home looks as fantastic as possible.

If you’d like to hear more about our painting services in Sydney and how we can help you, call us on 1300 916 291.
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