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Keeping Your Painted Walls Looking New

professional painting company sydney

Painting your walls is not completely cheap so once the fresh new coat is on, you will need to be able to maintain it and take care of it otherwise the paint will face issues like tearing off the wall, peeling, wearing out and looking more dull than you would have hoped when it was complete. If painters have done their job to achieve your vision, it is also your responsibility to maintain it well.

Here are a few very easy ways you can keep your painted walls looking new and fresh even after a few years it was first put on the wall:

Clean It Regularly

There really is no magic wand that can help you keep your walls clean even when you do not clean it. Maintenance takes hard work and effort and that means, if you want to keep your painted walls looking new over time, you will need to clean it regularly. Walls are often touched by people or leaned on so there will usually be dust on it.

Test It On A Small Area First

If this is your first time cleaning the painted wall and you are doing this without any professional help, we highly recommend that you test the cleaning supplies and equipment on a small area of the wall first. This will help you see if there are any clashing chemical agents that may ruin the coat of paint or not. If there are no ruins, you can proceed to cleaning the wall.

Touch-up Any Areas That Is Damaged

Do not leave damaged painted areas for a long time otherwise it can cause the wall to weaken and impact the rest of the paint on the wall. If you see that there is something damaged, patch it up or hire a professional to get the job done for you.

Know What Painting Colour Is Right

Some colours will look better on painted walls while others may not come out the way it was supposed to. Do be mindful that some paints, when applied onto the wall will not look the same and that may be due to several factors such as the lighting that hits the wall which causes it to look less fresh. To rectify this, it’s mostly about trial and error, testing it on small areas and seeing how it appears before locking it in.

Work With The Best, Seek Professional Help From The Leading Painting Service Since 1997

Painting is no easy job and sometimes, you just don’t have the time for it. Well, we have a solution for you: hire a professional painting company. This will save you time while being able to come home to a house you can call come. If you are seeking a professional painting company in Sydney, Premier Painting can help you.

To hear more about our painting services in Sydney and how we can help you, call us on 1300 91 62 91 or visit our website to see the services that we offer here.
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