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4 Things to Consider When Painting Your Building’s Interior Hallway

painting contractor Sydney

The hallway is one of the most ignored parts of a building. This is especially true for its interior design, planning and, most of all, painting. Even though nobody lives or spends time in a hallway, its openness or spaciousness can feel very welcoming to guests. Moreover, if you have a hallway that looks too neglected, it gives the impression that the building is not well maintained.

Having said that, you do not need to spend copious amounts of money on interior design or decor. You can make some wise choices regarding the painting and colour scheme of the hallway. You can decide to make it look as you would like. However, there are certain essential aspects that you must consider. That is because you want your hallway to look more balanced. For instance, if you choose a dark electric blue colour, it will make the hallway look smaller and dark even if you select the best paint and the finest painting contractor.

The most crucial things to consider when painting your building’s hallway are how much light reflects in that area, what is the theme or general vibe of your building, what is the colour of the floor, and the paint’s final finish.

The Lighting

It is essential to consider how much light reflects in the hallway. In any case, a spacious hallway is always easier to paint. It’s the small spaces that need more consideration. In those cases, to give the appearance of the hallway being wider, you should choose light colours such as eggshell white, beige, etc. Also, you can choose lighter shades of green or blue to make the hallway seem brighter. This will also help reflect more light.

The Theme of the Building

The colour scheme of the building, in general, should complement the colour chosen to paint the hallway. Many people often need to pay more attention to this critical factor. A formal theme should have cooler tones. A professional setting can go for colours like white. In contrast, a residential building may have warmer tones to give an intimate sense to your guests. The choice of colour must be cohesive with the atmosphere you are trying to build.

The Floor of the Hallway

Very dark floors should not accompany a wall that is very dark in colour. If you are adamant about putting a dark colour in your hallway to go with a theme whilst also having very dark tiles, you can consider installing carpet.

The Finish of the Paint

The texture of the paint is usually the finishing coat on the wall. It would help if you went with a finish that makes the painting more durable. One can achieve this by using either a satin or semi-gloss finish. A satin finish gives a very smooth finish and is resistant to a lot of wear and tear. However, a semi-gloss finish looks new for a longer duration. One must decide to keep these things in mind.

If you want a quality painting service and are looking for an excellent painting contractor in Sydney, you can contact Premier Painting.
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